What an emotional roller coaster the last year and a half has been! The pandemic and the election have been a double whammy on our mental health. Religious leaders are seeing a lot more anxiety and depression in their congregations. FiveThirtyEight notes that hatred now dominates American politics. Though we are learning more about potential long-term physical consequences of COVID-19 infection, I fear anger may be most damaging and lasting side effect of the pandemic.
I’m generally not an angry person. But there is a pervasive anger I suspect most of us are experiencing. It catches us off guard. By the time we are aware of it, we are about the explode. The triggers may be different for each of us. For some (like me), it is the failure of the country to get behind the greatest vaccine development and distribution effort in the history of the world. For others, it may be the political fallout of a lost election, or the decline of the church, or systemic racism, or immigration. Our anger has been whipped into a frenzy by presidents and politicians, by news organizations and social media. Our collective and individual anger switches are on an ever-shortening fuse. This is not healthy. Anger is tearing us apart from without and within.
For example, vaccine hesitancy is the lead story in much of the news right now. The phrase vaccine hesitancy is kind. It is a gentle way of referring to the ever-hardening decision by far too many to refuse to save lives – theirs and others. Honestly, hesitancy describes very few now and grossly mischaracterizes the selfish and vehement opposition of too many to getting vaccinated – kamikaze cultism, as this paper called it. Vaccination rates have plummeted. The Delta variant is on the rise as a result. In states with low vaccination rates, more than 99% of COVID-19 deaths over the past six months were among unvaccinated people. Virtually all current COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths in the United States are preventable.
We continue to give people the benefit of the doubt, hoping that the truly hesitant will step into the light, when the dark void of lies and misinformation has swallowed so many. Fear of the Delta variant may now be convincing some holdouts to get the jab. On the other hand, those falling on the straw man sword of freedom and personal responsibility will get to enjoy the consequences of their choices, which increasingly may mean wearing masks at work, regular nasal swab testing (isn’t that fun!), or even loss of employment. Some will die. Freedom to choose is a wonderful thing.
Does that sound cynical to you? Yes, I am cynical. And, as I said, angry even. As a cancer physician, I have determined that a healthier emotional reaction to the unvaccinated would be more like my compassionate-yet-uncompromising reaction to smokers, who often have a similar “personal rights” reaction to smoking restrictions (and who can be “addicted” not only to smoking, but also to the misinformation and rationalization that misplaces and overrides the very real health dangers that demand a broad societal response). One person I attempted to talk to about getting vaccinated said, “It is scary that we would capitulate to forced mandates. You agree with this one, but may not agree with the next. You may be very thankful later that people like me will stand in the gap regardless of the social stoning we are experiencing.” Yet very few of the anti-COVID-19 vaccine zealots are true libertarians. They are much more likely to view COVID-19 vaccine refusal as a statement of political identity and a test of party loyalty. And that social stoning? Self-inflicted wounds are an affront to the true coronavirus martyrs – those who lost their lives through the inaction of others.
Don’t get me wrong – every COVID-19 death is tragic, regardless of the circumstances. My anger at the situation must not be seen as a lack of compassion for the person. Our healthcare system and the providers in it will do everything they can to care for those who are suffering and dying from COVID-19.
The vaccine isn’t of the devil, folks, and it isn’t the mark of the beast, either. Ah, but anger is, including mine. When Jesus sent his apostles out to spread the gospel message – literally the good news – he didn’t tell them to get angry when the message was rejected. They were to shake the dust off their feet and move on. Some people laugh when I suggest it is a Christian duty to get vaccinated to help others, as if the Good Samaritan story has no modern pandemic equivalent. We should be protecting our neighbor, not infecting them. I’ve shaken off a lot of dust lately. Yet, I will continue to spread the good news that vaccines save lives.
Whether vaccines or elections, critical race theory or immigration, politics on the left or the right, we cannot let the sun go down on our anger. The antidote to anger is gratitude and love. It is hard to remain angry when you are counting your blessings and serving others. I’ve said it many times before, but the response of those claiming to be followers of Christ – and I count myself among those – should be to love our neighbor.
Are you suffering from debilitating anger, anxiety, or depression? Seek help. The Burke Center is here for you. Reach out to them at https://myburke.org or by calling their 24-hour crisis hotline at 1-800-392-8343.